Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
1,080 lines
;** FILE NAME: forms.m
;** DESCRIPTION: forms insertion package for BRIEF
;** CREATED BY: Greg Belfor, R Software.
;** 3520 N. 63rd Place
;** Scottsdale, AZ 85251
;** 27-Sep-88
#define TAB 0x09 ;** tab
#define ESCAPE 0x1b ;** esc
#define EDIT_FORMS 0x3d ;** "=", EDIT THE FORMS FILE character
#define ADD_MARKED_AREA 0x2b ;** "+", ADD MARKED AREA character
#define NO_KEY 0x0 ;** no key typed
#define SAVE 0
#define RESTORE 1
#define DELETE_SOURCE 0 ;** Change to 1 to delete the forms
;** buffer after each use.
;** Otherwise, the source remains resident
;** to speed up processing.
#include "dialog.h"
#include "equates.mh"
(extern display_help)
(macro _init
(= _fforms_source_buffer 0) ;** give this an initial value
(= _fforms_file (inq_environment "BFORMS"))
(if (== _fforms_file "")
(= _fforms_file (+ (inq_environment "BPATH") "\\forms."))
(= _fforms_file (_fslash_to_bslash (lower _fforms_file)))
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor *************
;** ROUTINE NAME: forms
;** ARGUMENTS: id (if desired...)
;** DESCRIPTION: mainline macro for forms package
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES: best if assigned to a key (of course)
(macro forms
(int id col line found )
(string id_string searcher option )
(extern _ffmenu_buffer)
(= _fforms_pause_save (pause_on_error 1))
(= _fforms_target_buffer (inq_buffer))
;** read forms file into system buffer...only if it's not already
;** there.
(if (== _fforms_source_buffer 0)
(= _fforms_source_buffer (create_buffer "_FORMS_" NULL SYSTEM))
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(read_file _fforms_file)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(inq_names NULL _fforms_ext)
(if (get_parm 0 id_string)
(= id (atoi id_string 0))
(= id (_get_forms_id))
(switch id
(edit_file _fforms_file)
(message "Illegal ID, forms aborted.")
(message "Forms aborted.")
;NULL ()
(= found (_find_form id))
(if (> found 0)
(_scrap_mgmt SAVE)
(if (_move_to_working_buffer)
(= option (_get_option "align"))
(switch (lower option)
(error "Bad align type '%s', left assumed" option)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(delete_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(_scrap_mgmt RESTORE)
(message "Form '%c' inserted." id)
(message "'%c' is not defined in %s." id _fforms_file)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _insert_left
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: inserts forms text at the left margin.
;** RETURNS: YES if successful, NO if not
;** NOTES:
(macro _insert_left
(int obuffer)
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(drop_anchor LINE_MARK)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(drop_anchor NI_MARK)
(insert " ")
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _insert_c_indent
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: inserts forms text at the cursor column.
;** The current buffer should contain the form
;** The current position is the "options" line
;** The form must end with a line containing !end
;** RETURNS: YES if successful, NO if not
;** NOTES:
(macro _insert_c_indent
(int scol)
(string indent1 indent2)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(inq_position NULL scol)
(if (!= scol 1)
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(sprintf indent1 "%%%ds" (-- scol))
(sprintf indent2 indent1 " ")
(translate "<" indent2 TRANS_GLOBAL REGXPR_ON)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _insert_c_paste
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: inserts forms text like a "column paste"
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES: This works by grabbing the work buffer with a line
;** mark, then calling the _col_paste routine to do
;** the work
(macro _insert_c_paste
(extern _col_paste)
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(drop_anchor LINE_MARK)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(drop_anchor NI_MARK)
(insert " ")
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _substitute_symbols
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: performs substitution of environment variables as
;** well as forms-specific variables on the forms_work_buffer
;** Environment variables are of the form %name%.
;** Forms-specific variables are of the form ^name^
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES:
(macro _substitute_symbols
(int var_len exp_len s_start s_len)
(string filename basename fname s_line s_var expansion line_end)
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
;** expand environment variables of the form %variable%
(while 1
(if (= var_len (search_fwd "\\%*\\%" REGXPR_ON))
(-- var_len)
(= s_line (read))
(= s_start (search_string "\\%*\\%" s_line s_len))
(= line_end (substr s_line (+ s_start s_len)))
(= s_var (ltrim (trim (substr s_line (+ s_start 1) (- s_len 2) ))))
(= expansion (inq_environment (upper s_var)))
(= exp_len (strlen expansion))
(if (&& exp_len (strlen line_end))
(while (< exp_len var_len)
(+= expansion " ")
(++ exp_len)
(+ (substr s_line 1 (- s_start 1))
(+ expansion line_end)
;** expand internal symbols of the form ^variable^
(while 1
(if (= var_len (search_fwd "\\^*\\^" REGXPR_ON))
(-- var_len)
(= s_line (read))
(= s_start (search_string "\\^*\\^" s_line s_len))
(= s_var (trim (substr s_line (+ s_start 1) (- s_len 2) )))
(switch (upper s_var)
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(inq_names NULL NULL expansion)
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(int day year )
(string month weekday)
(date year NULL day month weekday)
(sprintf expansion "%3.3s %d " weekday day)
(sprintf weekday "%3.3s %d" month year)
(+= expansion weekday)
(= expansion (_get_cursor_word))
(= expansion (trim (read)))
(= expansion (trim (read)))
(= exp_len (strlen expansion))
(= line_end (substr s_line (+ s_start s_len)))
(if (&& exp_len (strlen line_end))
(while (< exp_len var_len)
(+= expansion " ")
(++ exp_len)
(+ (substr s_line 1 (- s_start 1))
(+ expansion line_end)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _forms_menu
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: Pop-up menu (using BRIEF dialog manager) for display
;** and selection of forms. On return, the keyboard buffer
;** contains the character ID of the form.
;** RETURNS: none (keyboard buffer contains form ID)
;** NOTES:
(macro _forms_menu
(int key_length _ffmenu_buffer menu_height )
(string name align searcher key key_name forms_name
forms_align line _fforms_response)
(global _ffmenu_buffer _fforms_response)
;** get extension and character identifier for search
(sprintf searcher "!?.{%s}|{\\*}[ \t\n*]+" _fforms_ext)
;** set up pre-defined keys in menu,
;** use tabs for menu format control
(= _ffmenu_buffer (create_buffer "Select Form" NULL SYSTEM))
(set_buffer _ffmenu_buffer)
(tabs 3 7 40 50)
(insert "\tID\tForm Name\tAlign\n\t==\t=========\t=====")
(insert "\n\t=:\tEdit the Forms file\t")
(insert "\n\t+:\tAdd marked area as a form\t")
;** first search the forms_buffer for all defined forms.
;** as each is found, insert the "letter: name align" in the
;** __forms_menu buffer.
;** go to top of forms buffer, search (case insensitive) for identifier
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(= key_length 1)
(while 1
(if (= key_length (search_fwd searcher REGXPR_ON CASE_INSENSITIVE))
(= key_name (read (- key_length 2)))
(= key (read 1))
(= forms_name (_get_option "name"))
(= forms_align (_get_option "align"))
(if (== forms_name "")
(= forms_name "?????")
(= line
(+ "\n\t"
(+ key
(+ ":\t"
(+ forms_name
(+ "\t" forms_align)
(set_buffer _ffmenu_buffer)
(insert line)
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(inq_screen_size menu_height)
(-= menu_height 7)
(= _fforms_response "") ;** default response is ESC
(_process_menu 5 menu_height 59 3
"forms" "Press Enter to accept, ESC to abort" NULL
_ffmenu_buffer "__forms_menu" FAST)
(push_back (atoi (substr _fforms_response 1 1) 0))
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(delete_buffer _ffmenu_buffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: __forms_menu
;** ARGUMENTS: see dialog manager interface
;** DESCRIPTION: action macro for _forms_menu. just sets the global
;** _fforms_response to the menu item selected
;** NOTES: called by _forms_menu via dialog manager
(macro __forms_menu
(int event_type line_no retval )
(get_parm 0 event_type)
(returns TRUE)
(switch event_type
(get_parm 2 _fforms_response)
(get_parm 1 line_no)
(switch line_no
1 (returns FALSE)
2 (returns FALSE)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _forms_add
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: adds a marked block as a form in the forms file.
;** Uses the BRIEF dialog manager to present a dialog
;** box for filling in options and ID.
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES:
(macro _forms_add
(int mark_type sline scol eline ecol _form_add_buffer
key_length _aforms_buffer _search_buff )
(string new_form_id new_form_name new_form_align _pform searcher)
(global new_form_id new_form_name new_form_align _pform )
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(= mark_type (inq_marked sline scol eline ecol))
(if (== mark_type 0)
(error "Forms aborted: you must mark a block to add it.")
(= _aforms_buffer (create_buffer "F_AddMenu" NULL SYSTEM))
;** get list of already used IDs
(set_buffer _aforms_buffer)
(insert "text (1,1) = \" ID Character: \"\n")
(insert "nonblank(1,20) = \"\"\n")
(insert "text (2,1) = \" Name of FORM: \"\n")
(insert "string(2,20) = \"\"\n")
(insert "text (3,1) = \" Alignment: \"\n")
(if (== COL_MARK mark_type)
(insert "list(3,20) = \" left\tat_cursor(column_paste)\"\n")
(insert "list(3,20) = \"(left)at_cursor\tcolumn_paste\"\n")
(insert "text (5,1) = \" IDs in use: \"\n")
(insert "\ntext(5,20) = \"")
;** now get all the IDs already in use and put them in the menu too
(sprintf searcher "!?.{%s}|{\\*}[ \t\n*]+" _fforms_ext)
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(= _pform "")
(while 1
(if (search_fwd searcher REGXPR_ON CASE_INSENSITIVE)
(= _pform (+ _pform (read 1)))
(set_buffer _aforms_buffer)
(insert _pform)
(insert "\"\n")
;** process the dialog
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(_process_dialog_box 2 12 77 2
"Add Form" "ID should be 1 character. Press ESC to Abort"
NULL _aforms_buffer "__forms_add"
(delete_buffer _aforms_buffer)
;** if the new_form_id is "", then the form was aborted...
(if (== new_form_id "")
(message "Form addition aborted.")
;** otherwise, get the marked area size,
;** construct name and align parameters
;** transfer stuff into form
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(if (!= new_form_name "")
(= new_form_name (+ " !name: " new_form_name))
(= new_form_align (+ " !align: " new_form_align))
;** put the form in the forms buffer
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(+ "\n\n!"
(+ new_form_id
(+ "."
(+ _fforms_ext
(+ new_form_name
(+ new_form_align "\n")
(transfer _fforms_target_buffer sline scol eline ecol)
(insert "\n!end\n")
(drop_anchor LINE_MARK)
(write_block _fforms_file)
(message (+ "New form created: " new_form_id))
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: __forms_add
;** ARGUMENTS: see dialog manager interface
;** DESCRIPTION: action macro for _forms_add. Unlike the __forms_menu,
;** this action macro does all the work.
;** RETURNS: TRUE (usually)
;** NOTES:
(macro __forms_add
(int event_type line_no retval )
(string button_text )
(get_parm 0 event_type)
(get_parm 1 line_no)
(get_parm 2 button_text)
(= retval TRUE)
(switch event_type
(if (== line_no 3) (= new_form_align button_text))
(if (== line_no 1)
(if (!= 1 (strlen button_text))
(error "Form ID must be a single character")
(= retval FALSE)
(if (search_string button_text _pform NULL REGXPR_ON CASE_INSENSITIVE)
(error "Form ID already in use")
(= retval FALSE)
(= new_form_id button_text)
(if (== line_no 2) (= new_form_name button_text))
(= new_form_id "")
(returns retval)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _get_cursor_word
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: returns the "word" at the cursor
;** NOTES:
(macro _get_cursor_word
(int row col orow ocol count obuffer scol)
(string cursor_word valid_chars char)
(= obuffer (inq_buffer))
(set_buffer _fforms_target_buffer)
(inq_position orow ocol)
(= valid_chars "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890")
(inq_position row col)
(if (!= col 1)
(search_back "[~A-Za-z0-9_]")
(inq_position NULL scol)
(if (!= col scol)
(++ scol)
(if (== 0 (index valid_chars (= char (read 1))))
(returns "")
(while (index valid_chars (= char (read 1)))
(++ count)
(move_abs row scol)
(= cursor_word (read count))
(returns cursor_word)
(move_abs orow ocol)
(set_buffer obuffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _move_to_working_buffer
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: move form to a separate buffer for work area
;** The current position in the forms buffer
;** is the "options" line
;** The form must end with a line containing !end
;** RETURNS: buffer ID of new buffer
(macro _move_to_working_buffer
(int obuffer)
(= obuffer (inq_buffer))
(= _fforms_work_buffer (create_buffer "FORMS_WORK" NULL SYSTEM))
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(drop_anchor LINE_MARK)
(if (search_fwd "!end")
(set_buffer _fforms_work_buffer)
(returns YES)
(error "!end not found")
(returns NO)
(set_buffer obuffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _find_form
;** ARGUMENTS: form ID
;** DESCRIPTION: find a form matching the ID in the forms file
;** RETURNS: TRUE if found, FALSE if not
;** if found, current position in buffer is the form
(macro _find_form
(int key found obuffer)
(string searcher)
(= obuffer (inq_buffer))
(get_parm 0 key)
;** get extension and character identifier for search
(sprintf searcher "!%c.{%s}|{\\*}[ \t\n*]+" key _fforms_ext)
;** go to top of forms buffer, search (case insensitive) for identifier
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(= found (search_fwd searcher REGXPR_ON CASE_INSENSITIVE))
(returns (> found 0))
(set_buffer obuffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _get_option
;** ARGUMENTS: string option_name
;** DESCRIPTION: gets the value string for any forms option. Forms
;** options take the form:
;** !<option name>: <value string>
;** RETURNS: value string
;** NOTES:
(macro _get_option
(string option_name optype line option_value )
(int start length obuffer )
(= obuffer (inq_buffer))
(set_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(get_parm 0 option_name)
(sprintf optype "!%s:\\c*[!\n]" option_name)
(= line (read))
(= start (search_string optype line length REGXPR_ON CASE_INSENSITIVE))
(if (!= start 0)
(= option_value (substr line start (- length 1)))
(returns (trim (ltrim option_value)))
(returns "")
(set_buffer obuffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor ************
;** ROUTINE NAME: _scrap_mgmt
;** ARGUMENTS: 0 to save, 1 to restore
;** DESCRIPTION: save the contents of the scrap buffer
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES:
(macro _scrap_mgmt
(int op obuffer)
(get_parm 0 op)
(= obuffer (inq_buffer))
(if (== op SAVE)
(= _fforms_scrap_save (create_buffer "FSCRAP_SAVE" NULL SYSTEM))
(set_buffer _fforms_scrap_save)
(inq_scrap _fforms_scrap_nl _fforms_scrap_type)
(set_buffer _fforms_scrap_save)
(set_scrap_info _fforms_scrap_nl _fforms_scrap_type)
(delete_buffer _fforms_scrap_save)
(set_buffer obuffer)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor *******
;** ROUTINE NAME: _get_forms_id
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: wait for a key...
;** If its a TAB, show the menu, then process the key selected
;** If it is the HELP key, show the help
;** RETURNS: form ID selected, zero if invalid
;** NOTES:
(macro _get_forms_id
(int key)
(while 1
(message "Form ID? (press TAB for menu)")
(while (! (inq_kbd_char)))
(= key (read_char))
(if (== 0 (& key 0xff))
(if (== "<Alt-h>" (int_to_key key))
(display_help "forms" "forms.hlp")
(return 0)
(= key (& key 0xff))
(if (== key TAB)
(= key (& (read_char) 0xff))
(return key)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor *******
;** ROUTINE NAME: write_buffer
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: replacement for write_buffer...allows the forms
;** buffer to remain resident until the user tries to
;** write out a new copy
;** RETURNS: none
;** NOTES: Unfortunately, the full file name of the forms file
;** and the filename of the current buffer may mean the
;** same thing, but contain different slashes (like
;** c:\brief\forms and c:/brief/forms). The slashes
;** are all converted to backslashes
(replacement write_buffer
(string fname)
(inq_names fname)
(= fname (_fslash_to_bslash (lower fname)))
(if (&& (== fname _fforms_file) (!= _fforms_source_buffer 0))
(delete_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(= _fforms_source_buffer 0)
;*************************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor *******
;** ROUTINE NAME: _ff_cleanup
;** ARGUMENTS: none
;** DESCRIPTION: Perform cleanup before exit...
;** if the DELETE_SOURCE flag is set, delete the
;** forms buffer. Also turn pausing on errors back
;** to old value
(macro _ff_cleanup
(if ( && DELETE_SOURCE (!= _fforms_source_buffer 0))
(delete_buffer _fforms_source_buffer)
(= _fforms_source_buffer 0)
(pause_on_error _fforms_pause_save)
;**@H*********************************** AUTHOR: G. Belfor *******
;** MACRO NAME: _fslash_to_bslash
;** ARGUMENTS: string filepath
;** DESCRIPTION: converts all forward slashes to back slashes in a
;** filepath
;** RETURNS: converted string
;** NOTES:
(macro _fslash_to_bslash
(int loc)
(string str)
(get_parm 0 str)
(while (= loc (index str "/"))
(= str (+ (+ (substr str 1 (- loc 1)) "\\") (substr str (+ loc 1))))
(returns str)